EM_Event Object
[event_id] => 499
[post_id] => 16365
[event_slug] => could-robotics-and-automation-be-right-for-your-manufacturing-business
[event_owner] => 4
[event_name] => Could robotics and automation be right for your manufacturing business?
[event_start_time:protected] => 10:00:00
[event_end_time:protected] => 12:30:00
[event_start_date:protected] => 2019-01-23
[event_end_date:protected] => 2019-01-23
[event_start:protected] => 2019-01-23 10:00:00
[event_end:protected] => 2019-01-23 12:30:00
[event_all_day] =>
[event_timezone:protected] => Europe/London
[post_content] => This event will support individuals to gain new knowledge and insights that matter - for manufacturers, by manufacturers.
On January 23rd, 2019 CNC Robotics Ltd will open its doors and invite manufacturers to their Innovation Centre. This event is designed to be relaxed and informal. It will support individuals to gain new knowledge and insights that matter - for manufacturers, by manufacturers.
This event is designed to be relaxed and informal. It will support individuals to gain new knowledge and insights that matter - for manufacturers, by manufacturers.
If you would like to find out about whether robotics and automaton could be right for your manufacturing business; explore what the potential benefits (and pitfalls) of robotics and automation are; hear about the range of technologies and real-life applications it has been applied to; and have the opportunity to ask questions, then we would love to meet you.
This event is an opportunity for all manufacturers regardless of size or sector.
Arrival is 10.00am for a 10.30am start and the event finishes at 12.30pm, however people are welcome to stay longer to maximize any opportunities presented.
This event has been set up for encouraging innovation, enhance awareness and enable manufacturers to ask questions about whether Robotics and Automation are right for your manufacturing business.
To register click here.
For more information contact events@cncrobotics.co.uk

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[post_author] => 4
[post_date] => 2017-04-03 16:01:32
[post_date_gmt] => 2017-04-03 15:01:32
[post_title] => CNC Robotics Limited
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[address] => 3b Olympic Way
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[postcode] => L30 1RD
[country] => GB
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[longitude] => -2.9584429999999884
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[ID] => 16365
[post_author] => 4
[post_date] => 2019-01-15 09:57:23
[post_date_gmt] => 2019-01-15 09:57:23
[post_title] => Could robotics and automation be right for your manufacturing business?
[post_excerpt] =>
[post_status] => publish
[comment_status] => closed
[ping_status] => closed
[post_password] =>
[post_name] => could-robotics-and-automation-be-right-for-your-manufacturing-business
[to_ping] =>
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[post_modified] => 2019-01-15 09:57:23
[post_modified_gmt] => 2019-01-15 09:57:23
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[id] => 499
[slug] => could-robotics-and-automation-be-right-for-your-manufacturing-business
[owner] => 4
[name] => Could robotics and automation be right for your manufacturing business?
[start_time] => 10:00:00
[end_time] => 12:30:00
[start_date] => 2019-01-23
[end_date] => 2019-01-23
[notes] => This event will support individuals to gain new knowledge and insights that matter - for manufacturers, by manufacturers.
On January 23rd, 2019 CNC Robotics Ltd will open its doors and invite manufacturers to their Innovation Centre. This event is designed to be relaxed and informal. It will support individuals to gain new knowledge and insights that matter - for manufacturers, by manufacturers.
This event is designed to be relaxed and informal. It will support individuals to gain new knowledge and insights that matter - for manufacturers, by manufacturers.
If you would like to find out about whether robotics and automaton could be right for your manufacturing business; explore what the potential benefits (and pitfalls) of robotics and automation are; hear about the range of technologies and real-life applications it has been applied to; and have the opportunity to ask questions, then we would love to meet you.
This event is an opportunity for all manufacturers regardless of size or sector.
Arrival is 10.00am for a 10.30am start and the event finishes at 12.30pm, however people are welcome to stay longer to maximize any opportunities presented.
This event has been set up for encouraging innovation, enhance awareness and enable manufacturers to ask questions about whether Robotics and Automation are right for your manufacturing business.
To register click here.
For more information contact events@cncrobotics.co.uk

[rsvp_time] => 00:00:00
[status] => 1
[status_array] => Array
[0] => Pending
[1] => Approved
23 January 2019
Could robotics and automation be right for your manufacturing business?
10am - 12:30pm
CNC Robotics Limited, 3b Olympic Way, Aintree, L30 1RD
See Map
Events < Could robotics and automation be right for your manufacturing business?
This event will support individuals to gain new knowledge and insights that matter – for manufacturers, by manufacturers.
On January 23rd, 2019 CNC Robotics Ltd will open its doors and invite manufacturers to their Innovation Centre. This event is designed to be relaxed and informal. It will support individuals to gain new knowledge and insights that matter – for manufacturers, by manufacturers.
This event is designed to be relaxed and informal. It will support individuals to gain new knowledge and insights that matter – for manufacturers, by manufacturers.
If you would like to find out about whether robotics and automaton could be right for your manufacturing business; explore what the potential benefits (and pitfalls) of robotics and automation are; hear about the range of technologies and real-life applications it has been applied to; and have the opportunity to ask questions, then we would love to meet you.
This event is an opportunity for all manufacturers regardless of size or sector.
Arrival is 10.00am for a 10.30am start and the event finishes at 12.30pm, however people are welcome to stay longer to maximize any opportunities presented.
This event has been set up for encouraging innovation, enhance awareness and enable manufacturers to ask questions about whether Robotics and Automation are right for your manufacturing business.
To register click here.
For more information contact events@cncrobotics.co.uk
CNC Robotics Limited
3b Olympic Way